Friday, May 14, 2010

happy birthday, pup.

That's right. It's my little Gracie's birthday today. To some shallow people this may mean nothing at all, and you may find yourself asking the question, "Who the heck is Gracie?" But for those of you that have spent more than fifteen minutes in the Hurndon home and claim the liberty of calling me your friend, this is a big deal.

OK, so I'm a bit biased, but this awkwardly large, fluffy-haired pup of mine is one of my favorite beings on this earth. And today is her tenth birthday! That's a milestone, people!

The festivities today include "puppy chow," the peanut-butter chocolate goodness that dog's are definitely not allowed anywhere near, a pink and purple jester-like collar only pulled once a year for this occasion and the presentation of a new toy. Excitement for sure.

Well, I gotta get back to the jubilee! Our honorary guest Becky Renko is calling for my attention, and this blog is embarrassing me by the minute. Well, maybe you fellow dog lovers can relate.

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